Crawling out from under a frozen rock

Call me a cave man. I'm now a proud owner of an ipod mini. Possibly the dizzying pricetag of these little miracles kept me away for so long. I'm pretty sure that it can't cost quite that much to produce one of these little guys, so someone somewhere is getting really, really fat of the tears of little asian children. Good for them. Good for me for finally coughing up the dough to rock The Mars Volta straight to ma' dome. I can now stand proud again in the techno-clan. Until, that is, I ask some really newbie question to one of my teenage friends about my newfangled thingamujigger and get exposed as some rock-toting luddite.
remember how baffled i was at the whole email thing? haha. --and how down i was on cellphones? heh. it just may take me ten years to enjoy these neato lil thingies, too. i wouldnt be surprised. but they seem alright to me! mm, mars volta. yummy.
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