From Kotaku - Blizzard is Big Brother

Kotaku published another great story about the evils of WarCrack, this time in the privacy related field. Let's take this as an important reminder to not be too quick to view our game corporations as benevolent gods.
"World of Warcraft players, beware. Yer credit card numbers and personal conversations can be tracked and recorded by Blizzard in-house spyware. Known as “warden client,” the program runs every 15 seconds. The warden can read the window text in the title bar of every window. However, these ain’t windows related to WoW, but any ol’ program running on your computer.
This isn’t the first time the company’s been caught snooping. A few years back, it was taken to court for using StarCraft to look through player’s hard drives and emails. Blizzard is violating privacy right and left here."
Kotaku - WoW
Thanks Kotaku! (And Martyn)
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