Thursday, August 25, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Roach Motel - Japan

Warning! The following video is only really REALLY creepy if you have the sound turned on, and realize what the *pop* sound is in the background. Well, It's kind of a crunch.... No it's definately a pop. By the way, they say that you should never stomp on a roach. The thousands of eggs that it carries will get stuck to your shoe and you'll very efficiently spread them wherever you walk.
FAZED - Video Viewer
The Museum of Modern Robocop Art

Funny Funny stuff. Exactly what I needed after the past couple days I've had. I won't even get into it. Don't even get me started. Anyways, right! Museum of Robocop Art! Holy Beanshanks! Nice little Flash thingie too. - The Museum of Modern Robocop Art
Sunday, August 21, 2005
A World of Warcraft World

A World of Warcraft World

The first magazine devoted to digital projects, hardware hacks, and D.I.Y. inspiration.
This site has so much fun content it's not even funny. If you are ever bored again after checking out MakeBlog, it won't be because I didn't give you anything fun to read.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Beautiful Things

Sometimes, when the world seems to be running at breakneck speed, we forget the really important things in life while trying to keep up. There is a huge world out there. Reach out and touch it. This is a picture of my best friend, Liz. She's one of the most beautiful people I know, with the most ass-kickingest ink ever. Head on over to her LiveJournal and browse through some really inspired poetry, photos, and random randomness.
Ivy's online journal
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Samurai Champloo - Anime Series

In the tradition of Cowboy Bebop, which took science fiction in unexpcted directions, director Shinichiro Watanabe presents a new blending of old and new: a tale of samurai in a uniquely modernized rendition of old Japan.
It is the story of three very different people brought together for a strange but common goal.
One is Mugen, a fierce warrior who has a primal attitude to fighting and life. He calls his unique style of fighting Champloo Kendo, and it's inspired by breakdancing (sort of like bboying).
Another is Jin, a more traditional swordsman who relies on his incredible skill to fend himself against any threat to him, ordinary or not.
The two of them are fierce rivals whose path appear destined to frequently cross. They would not even be traveling together if not for the third person in their party: Fuu, a supposedly ditzy waitress who, in excahnge for helping them out of a jam, has asked the two samurai to accompany her on a journey. Their goal--to locate a certain mysterious samurai who smells of sunflowers.
And so the three travelers begin their journey through this "new-old" land. As mentioned before, this is far from the typical samurai anime. Mixed in simultaneously with robes and swords (ie. Jin) is very modern and mature ideas along with modern music and moves (ie. Mugen).
I'm going to go ahead and give this a Five out of Five rating. If you liked Cowboy Bebop, You'll probably love Samurai Champloo. Bonus- The english dubbing is actually done really well.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Lo-bat. - Redefining Game Noise

Two game boys and an Amiga. Oh and a fanny pack to stuff it in. This guy really, really tears it up. His songs are all downloadable right on his site for free. Do yourself a favor and listen to a few. I suggest "Tizzy" and "drum&biteme"
Atlas Tack Corp. - Superfund Goodness

Of course. The factory building that I've been lusting after for the past few weeks has to be one of America's most contaminated Superfund cleanup sites. Covered in asbestos, PCB's, cyanide, and a whole slew of other heavy metals and toxins, I don't think I'll be moving in anytime soon. Oh, and they're tearing it all down.
Find New England Sites - ATLAS TACK CORP.
Modern Ruins Photographic Essays - Shaun O'Boyle

Ooh! I love this stuff! Shaun O'Boyle has a great eye on top of the dedication to get around (and into) all of these GREAT decayed places. Spend some time at his site and check out all the great ruins. Some of my favorites are at the boatyard series. Also it looks like he has his work for sale in single print or book form. Reasonably priced as well.
Modern Ruins Photographic Essays - Shaun O'Boyle
Saturday, August 06, 2005
The Devil's Rejects - Rob Zombie 2005

Sequel to "House of 1000 Corpses" Devil's Rejects further explores the Dr. Satan cult by picking up pretty much where the last film left off. This time there's a whole lot more plot, err, dialogue along with the expected flood of bodily fluids. Some parts are genuinely funny (see Chicken Fucker scene) while others are painfully two dimensional (see most dialogue). Rob Zombie once again delivers what is promised. Lot's of blood, guts, ultra-violence, White-sploitation with bigass sideburns, titties and ass galore. 7 out of 10.
The Devil's Rejects