Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Boston Anime Convention: Letting the Freak Flag Fly
Admittedly this will be my first Anime Convention, and I'm not totally sure what to expect. Something tells me it's going to be pretty rediculous amazing. I have posted some totally random images of my results from Googling "Anime Boston". Enjoy.
Anime Boston 2006
Anime Boston 2006

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Gamespot Review
Onimusha 4: Dawn of Dreams

First off, I'd like to say that Onimusha has been a long standing favorite title for me. Reasonably long gameplay, funny plot, good graphics etc. make this a solid franchise. Dawn of Dreams made some small innovations with controls, but then piled so much onto the "special moves" department that it got a bit bogged down. Most Onimusha fans are hailing DoD as the "Best of Series" and while I enjoyed it, I don't think I'm going to go that far. Still an 8 out of 10 rating, but with some slight misgivings. Rent, don't buy. Even with 2 discs the story seems to tear right along, and the replayability value is questionable.
Pandora: Free Music

Pandora.com is a great free music radio service that is gaining popularity rather quickly. Part of The Music Genome Project, pandora is a great way to broaden your musical horizons. Spend a few minutes with this shiny new toy and you might get addicted, in a really nice way.
Koss Clef Earbuds

I know that I ditch on earbuds all the time because of the inherent dangers of jacking straight into your dome. These new 'buds are no exception to the rule, but they do seem to have some cool features if you really wanna rock out with your geek out. Retractable cords and a mini led light, pocket pouch etc. are all acoutrements that might make these little babies worth the 20 bucks you'll have to part with to own them. Performance wise, Koss claims that the Clef’s 40-to-20,000 Hz frequency response is legit. Sounds a little shady, but you never know.
Product Page
Proof - Film

Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by David Auburn, "Proof" follows a devoted daughter (Paltrow) who comes to terms with the death of her father (Hopkins) - a brilliant mathematician whose genius was crippled by mental instanity - and is forced to face her own long-harbored fears and emotions. She adjusts to his death with the help of one of her father's former mathematical students (Gyllenhaal) who searches through her father's notebooks in the hope of discovering a bit of his old brilliance. While coming to terms with the possibility that his genius, which she was inherited, may come at a painful price, her estranged sister (Davis) arrives to help settle their father's affairs.
I never saw the play but I imagine it was better than this movie, as most originals are better than their ghost-like reflections in the festering pool of Hollywood. With that said, this was actually quite good.