Johnny Knoxville stars in this.. "Gahhhh! My eyes! For the love of god make it stop! Please! Noooo! My life is being wasted! cry*".. comedy about the special olympics. The Ringer
An animated bad movie is still a bad movie. The animation style kind of worked for Waking Life. The same style was used for Scanner Darkly and did absolutely nothing for it, except to pain the retina even further. No stars rating. Just a "Boooo" for bad acting and a stale, totally predictable cough* plot... A Scanner Darkly
This is great. There are some really stunning photos of underwater life that you shouldn't miss. make sure to check out all the sections of the contest, there's plenty to look at. Serpent Underwater Photo Contest
Here's a link to a blog that has a YouTube link dump. Among the list is Andy Warhol, Basquiat, and David Lynch. Check out the page and you'll understand why this is cool.
Schrodinger's Cat is one of those things that lets you know you're still not quite the smarty pants you think you are. Unless you get it. Good for you if you do. Check the link to go to the exercise.