Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Permanent Midnight (1998)

Comedy writer Jerry Stahl (Ben Stiller) Develops a six grand a week heroin habit. Repetitive scenes of Stiller being high or strung out follow. Owen Wilson adds what little fun there is to the film. Good acting by Stiller, but the movie overall is very unbalanced. Worth watching, but only if you know the story of Jerry Stahl and/or love Ben Stiller in any movie that he's in. 5 out of 10.
Permanent Midnight
The Jacket (2005)

A military veteran goes on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death and is left with questions that could save his life and those he loves. Adrien Brody stars as the military vet, stumbling through various encounters with death. The Jacket rings distinctly of Jacob's ladder and Butterfly effect mooshed together. Result? Somewhat entertaining, but all too predictable plot brings this time traveling movie down. 6 out of 10, because I wasn't really expecting much from it anyways.
The Jacket
Giant jellies attack Japan

They are called echizen kurage and they sound like monsters from the trashier reaches of Japanese science fiction. They are 6ft wide and weigh 450lb (200kg), with countless poisonous tentacles, they have drifted across the void to terrorise the people of Japan. Vast armadas of the slimy horrors have cut off the country"s food supply. As soon as one is killed more appear to take its place. Finally, the quarrelsome governments of the region are banding together to unite against the enemy. -
I knew it! This is retaliation for Peter Jackson's "Kong"!
Pixar: 20 Years of Animation

"In keeping with the Museum’s long tradition of presenting animation, this is the most extensive gallery exhibition that MoMA has ever devoted to the genre. Featuring over 500 works of original art on loan for the first time from Pixar Animation Studios, the show includes paintings, concept art, sculptures, and an array of digital installations. These works reveal the intricate, hands-on processes behind Pixar’s computer-generated films—including Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, and numerous shorts. The exhibition also includes a complete retrospective of Pixar films. Demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between traditional and digital media pioneered by the studio over its twenty-year history, Pixar: 20 Years of Animation is a tribute to the artists whose work has reinvented the genre." -
This should prove to be a thrilling event, even if you're not a huge fan of Pixar's works. This Exhibit runs December 14, 2005–February 6, 2006 - Film and Media Gallery, Titus 1 Lobby Gallery, Titus 2 Lobby Gallery, and throughout the first floor of the MoMA.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Holiday Cheer, Part 2

"Papa Papa! It's what I've always wanted!" This is an actual ebay auction item. And yes, this would be a wonderful present for yours truly. I think this may be one of the most singularly abhorrent and simultaneously perfect things ever to be found in my inbox. Thanks for making my evening great Doggie.
Ebay auction
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Holiday Cheer

I know what I want for Christmas! Here's a full-size genuine article Gundam helmet. Weighing in at 660 pounds shouldn't make it too much of a problem to get across the country, should it? Be the better person and bid on it yourself here.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Science Experiment Mentos Fountain

OK kids, here's a fun way to totally RUIN your lunch room and impress your friends all at the same time. Grab a pack of Mentos and a 2 litre bottle of diet soda and let the fun begin. Directions and fun video after the jump.
Steve Spangler Science Experiment Mentos Fountain

Sunday, December 04, 2005
Izo (2004)

Takashi Miike, what are we going to do with you? What can we do? Izo is a "poignant anti-war piece with some fine visual styles and some very brutal action. And a great guitarist." Says DeadlyOutlawREKKA from Tha' streets, London, England. Izo is a samurai demon who walks the earth in constant agony. Or maybe it's the viewer that's in constant agony. If you thought "Gozu" was hard to swallow, just walk away from this one. If you enjoy blood spurting battle vignettes over and over, and over again, maybe consider adding this one to your platinum collection. Personally I think this was a total dud. I'm usually quite accepting of Miike's work, and often enjoy his "far out antics". but this one was a little too deep space for me. Sorry Miike, better luck next time.
4 out of 10. /cry
Izo (2004)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Pride & Prejudice (2005)

I wanted to see Jarhead or even Aeon Flux, even after knowing that it was a total turd, when given the alternative. THIS. Bile expecting english romance. Gaaahd! Why! What did I do to deserve this! Now I understand that the book is a piece of classic literature, and I also respect that the film does a halfway decent job of reproducing that literary work. But come on! Seriously! Who enjoys this anymore? So cliche that I think the other 7 people in the theatre were squirming just as much as I was to keep their bums from going completely asleep. My only reprieve from the seeming unending agony of this movie was to get all MSC3k on it, guffawing along with Donald Sutherland's saggy face in my best Olde Englishe accent. "Ooooh Mr.Darcy!" shoot me now. please.
And Finally, Keira Knightley's performance was horrid. She was some grinning caricature of a girl in love, face contorted into some live action anime chick with gargoyle fangs and bulging eyes that begged for you to stab at your own to get away from the sickening pain in your head.
I'm not even going to rate this movie. forget it.
Pride & Prejudice (2005)